
Population Dynamics and Epidemiology

Research conducted so far in the field of population parameters has given us scientific evidence regarding the influence of these factors on nutritional status of the population in general. In addition, the experiences in developing programmes generated ideas about the inter-relationship between population parameters and nutritional status of people. In the light of these evidences you may be aware about some of these implications. This unit gives you more details. In this context, focused efforts are being made here to familiarize you with important vital events such as marriages (nuptiality), births (fertility), diseases (morbidity), deaths (mortality), and their levels, trends and determinants. As you go through this unit, you would realize that these vital statistics are of crucial importance in planning for public health and improving the quality of life of people. 

The various fertility and mortality  rates important from the point of view of public health which are discussed as part of this unit will  help to acquaint you with the method of computation, importance of the vital rates as well as available statistics.


After  going through this unit, you should be able to : 
  • describe the levels and trends of various population parameters in India and other Asian countries and at regional levels; 
  • compute major rates and ratios related to marriages, births, deaths, growth and other vital events; 
  • identify major determinants and patterns of vital events, and 
  • explain the prevalence and control of major diseases.

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