
Presentation of Modern Approaches

You are aware that Learning by doing and Creating are basic philosophies of the modem  approaches. These ideas are beautifully expressed in the following ancient Chinese verse.

"If you hear, you will forget 
 If you see, you will know 
 If you do, you will remember" 

You have learnt about the principles and merits of the participatory approaches in Unit 14. We hope that you will remember them. In this unit, you will read about selected modem communication approaches. You will learn about the use of some of these approaches in nutrition  and health education. Thus you would get an opportunity to learn how to create new learning material for nutrition and health education and test them  in your neighboring communities. 


After studying this unit, you should be able to : 
  • identify practical points using various participatory approaches 
  • develop a few education games suitable for nutrition and health education. 

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