
Other Programmes for the Promotion of Mother and Child Health and Nutritional Status

Women and children constitute the vulnerable section of the society. They are most prone to disease and infection leading to ill-death. To overcome these problems the government has initialed a number of programmes with the sole objective of improving the nutritional and health status. You might recall reading about some of these programmes in the previous course. Can you list them down? For your reference, here is a list of the programmes targeted  at women and children. They are Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) programme, Mid-day  Meal Programme (MDM), Special Nutrition Programme (SNB), Applied Nutrition Programme, Wheat based supplementary nutrition programme and Balwadi Nutrition Programme. Since you have already learnt about ICDS and Mid-day meal programme in Course 1, Black 6, Unit 24, we shall not spend much time on them. We suggest you go back to Course 1 and read them once again. Here we will concentrate more on the other programmes. But, we begin with ICDS Scheme, a brief review. 

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