
Rest and Sleep

Adequate amount of rest and sleep are vital for good health and good appearance. They also influence mental alertness, physical performance as well as human relationships. It is believed that during sleep the body replaces tissue cells and eliminates waste products created by fatigue, at a faster rate than when awake. During sleep the blood pressure is lower and the heart muscle contractions are '  slower, this gives rest to the heart and blood system. Lack of sleep increases fatigue and also susceptibility to a number of ailments, including the common cold. 

A good seven-to-eight hours sleep refreshes you to face the challenges of the day. If you do not get adequate sleep your memory is not as sharp as it should be, neither is your temper as even as it should be-  you tend to be irritable. A dark, quiet, ventilated room, a fairly firm mattress and some exercise during the day are prerequisites  for a good sleep. 

Worry, frustrations and anxiety do interfere with sleep. Over-excitement also interferes with sleep particularly with children. The routine of bed time should be as relaxed as possible for both, parent and child. Little babies love to be sung to, or talked to in a gentle voice, or rocked a bit in their cribs. It is important to keep things peaceful, and excitement at the lowest just before bed time. 

The amount of sleep a person needs varies a great deal from person to person. Besides, one needs different amount. of sleep at different times. Children need long periods of unbroken sleep while the elderly seem to get along on very little; as a general rule, the younger the person, the greater the amount of sleep he requires, lack of sound sleep is indicative of ill-health. The infant under one year needs 20 hours of sleep. Between 1-2 years of age, the child needs about 15 hours of sleep a day. This reduces gradually to 12 hours at 8 years and 11 hours at 12 years till adulthood when you need 7 to 8 hours sleep. Above 60, people need more sleep than they needed in middle life; even if they do not sleep for 8 hours, they should spend that much time lying  in bed in order to rest their heart. Weak and sick persons need more sleep. 

Sleep is the body's mechanism  for combating fatigue it reduces or eliminates tension. It is as necessary for those engaged in mental work as it is for a labourer. Prolonged stress deprives one of healthy sound sleep. By contrast, in a state of moderate fatigue resulting from exercise, the body normally finds sleep a welcome refreshment, but strenuous exercise shortly before bed time can interfere with sleep. 

Alcohol, sleeping pills and tranquilizers are never the right answer to fatigue. Caffeine (in coffee) can also prevent you from relaxing and getting to sleep. Not being able to sleep even when you are tired and want to sleep, is called insomnia. This is a very common problem particularly among brain workers. It has many varied causes emotional excitement at bed time, improper food, insufficient exercise during the day, studying or working till late at night, worries or mental


  1. Complete rest and sleep are good for health and the body, the right sleep gives us energy, avoids weight gain, lowers the risk of heart disease, and reduces stress because it enables the body to repair and be fit and ready for another day.
    Local Citations

  2. The blog article emphasizes the importance of rest and sleep for health, explaining how lack of sleep can lead to increased fatigue and irritability. For those experiencing relationship stress and its impact on sleep, seeking professional help, such as marriage counseling cincinnati, can be beneficial. Counseling can help couples improve communication, reduce stress, and ultimately enhance sleep quality. By addressing underlying issues, couples can achieve better emotional well-being.
