
National Tuberculosis Control Programme

Tuberculosis is a communicable,  bacterial disease which results from infection with TB bacilli. 

Tuberculosis is a major public health problem in the country. As per the National Tuberculosis Sample Survey, conducted by the ICMR in 1955-1958, nearly 1.5 per cent of the total  population is estimated to be suffering from active tuberculosis of lungs, of which one-fourth are infectious. The prevalence is same in urban as well  as in the rural  areas. Nearly 4 lakh persons die of the disease  every year. It is estimated that about 80 per cent of the cases of tuberculosis reside in the rural areas. (Source : Annual Report 1991-92, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, 1992). 

Infrastructure : The National Tuberculosis Control Programme has been functioning since 1962 and the district tuberculosis centre forms its functioning unit. The district tuberculosis officer is the overall incharge of the programme at district level. He is assisted by a team, consisting of laboratory technician, X-ray technician, treatment organiser and statistical assistant. All other health institutions of the district assist in programme implementation. 

Case Finding : All the patients reporting at the Peripheral Health Institutions with symptoms of cough, fever, hemoptysis, chest pain, are offered sputum examination and if this is negative patient is kept under observation, sputum examination is repeated or patient sent for X-ray. In order to make the programme more effective at the village level, the Multipurpose Health Workers are given a target of 10 sputum smears per month in a population of 5,000. 

Treatment : Treatment is given to all the patients, at the Peripheral Health Institutions. Treatment is domiciliary (at home) and is mainly based on self- administration of drugs given to patients on monthly basis. 

Case Retention : When the patient fails to report for collection of drugs, letter is written to him, (I-action), and in case of no response for 7 days, a home visit is paid, (11-action), by the health centre staff. 

Monitoring and supervision : The Primary Health Centre infrastructure is utilised for monitoring and implementation of the programme with the guidance of District Tuberculosis Centre. 

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