
National Iodine Deficiency Control Programme

At present, in India about 150 million people are estimated to have been exposed to the risk of IDD and this figure may touch 200 million by the end of this century. The IDD problem continues to exist and especially in the sub-himalayan belt. Recent studies however, have shown that there are pockets with IDD in other parts of the country too. In all, till 1991, 204 districts have been surveyed in country and 182 have been found to be endemic for IDD. Looking at the magnitude of the problem the Government of India (GOI) launched the National Goitre Control programme in 1962. This programme is now renamed as the National Iodine Deficiency Control Programme. 

Objectives : The major objectives of the programme are : 
  • to conduct the initial surveys to assess the magnitude of the iodine deficiency disorders supply of iodised salt in place of common salt to the entire country. 
  • to conduct resurveys to assess the impact of iodised salt after 5 years. 

Beneficiaries : All people residing in endemic and non-endemic areas for IDD. The endemic area is to be given priority. 

Activities : The following activities are conducted  under the scheme : 

  1. Iodisation of Salt : In order to control the problem of IDB, the GOI has initiated steps since 1.4.86 for universal iodisation of edible salt in a phased manner by the year 1995.Initially, in order to meet the requirements of iodised salt in the endemic areas, 12 iodisation plants were set up. Against the installed capacity of production of 8-10 lakh MT of  iodised salt per annum, the actual production  was only around 2.0 lakh MT. In 1986, GOI issued licenses to nearly  500 units to produce iodised salt. Till 1991, 368 units have started functioning with a production capacity of 33 lakh MTs. The estimated annual requirements is about 50.00 lakhs M.T. to provide all endemic areas with iodised salt. 
  2. Notification for banning the use of non-iodised salt : The sale of non-iodised salt has been banned completely in 18 states  and partially in 6 states The Government stands committed to universal iodisation of salt.
  3. Establishment of Goitre Cell : To ensure adequate monitoring and effective implementation of the NGCP; 17 states and 3 UTs have established a Goitre Cell in their state health directorate. 
  4. Information education and communication activities : Cash grants have been provided by the central Government to union Territories for production of health education material and carrying out health education activities on IDD as well as for undertaking surveys. 
  5. Intersectoral Co-ordination : It has been realised that NGCP activities require integrated efforts of multiple agencies like Industry, Railways, Health, etc. The focus of NGCP activities has-now been shifted from health department to multi and interdisciplinary participation. 

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